We are Genpact.
We’re a global professional services firm that makes transformation real. We drive digital-led innovation and digitally enabled intelligent operations for our clients. Guided by the experience that comes from running thousands of processes for Fortune 500 companies. We think with design. Dream in digital. Solve problems with data. Obsess over operations and sweat the small stuff. All 77,000 of us.
From New York to New Delhi (and 20 countries in between), we have the end-to-end expertise to connect every dot. Reimagine every process. And renew your ways of working. Because we know that rethinking each step from start to finish will change your business for the better.
Wherever you want your business to go, we’ll focus on getting you there. So you can focus on your big picture, big returns or next big thing. Whatever it is, we’ll be there with you – putting data and digital to work to create bold, lasting results. Because transformation happens here. Get to know us. Genpact.com.
Our European journey encompasses at the present moment 5000+ employees, working from 5 different countries and 11 delivery centers, speaking 23 languages and interacting on a daily basis with over 60 customers. Our operational centers are located in Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and through the support of our teams deliver significant impact to our clients by combining process, analytics and technology.
From Europe we deliver services ranging from F&A, Procurement, IT Support and Customer Service, to HR Operations and Business Consulting/ Process Re-engineering.