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Goldman Recruitment
Data aktualizacji: 2023-03-25
Kraków, małopolskie
Księgowość, Human Resources, Zakupy
angielski, duński
Data aktualizacji: 2023-03-25
Goldman Recruitment to wiodąca polska firma doradcza, wyspecjalizowana w realizacji projektów rekrutacyjnych metodą Search & Selection oraz Executive Search. Naszą ambicją jest najwyższy poziom świadczonych usług, który wyprzedza rynek i tworzy nowy standard w branży doradztwa personalnego.

For our clients located in Cracow, Warsaw, Lodz, Wroclaw, and Katowice we are looking for candidates who speak Danish who would be interested in a career in one of the following areas: Customer Service, Accounting, Procurement or Human Resources.

Career Opportunities for Danish Speakers

Career Opportunities for Danish Speakers

Miejsce pracy: Kraków
Nr ref. 190194/5068

After you apply for this job ad:
  • you will be contacted by one of our consultants for an interview,
  • during an interview, we learn about your expectations regarding your career, 
  • we will let you know  about  current open  job opportunities with Danish,
  • in future, we return to you with job opportunities that match your criteria.
  • you speak Danish at least at B2 level,
  • you are interested in working in one of the following areas: Customer Service / Accounting / Procurement  / Human Resources,
  • you are willing to live and work in one of the following cities: Warszawa, Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz or Katowice,
  • any professional experience in one of those areas will be a strong asset.
The offer:
  • the current gross salary range for Danish speakers: 6 000 - 9 000 zł,
  • social benefits,
  • career opportunities in the international environment.